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Komen2 Pedas Terhadap Khairy - Nizar News

Posted by Love Perak | Thursday, October 15, 2009 | 0 comments »

Serangan KJ terhadap Anwar cuma membuktikan beberapa perkara.

1. Anwar Ibrahim masih lagi dilihat sebagai ancaman terbesar Umno untuk terus berkuasa.

2. Sokongan terhadap Anwar terutama dari golongan muda (bukan melayu) nampaknya begitu kuat jika dinilai dari komen-komen mereka sebagaimana yang disiarkan oleh Malaysia Kini di bawah ini...

3. New politic yang didukung oleh Anwar (tidak berasaskan perkauman) lebih dilihat sebagai 'masa depan' politik negara kita. Suka tak suka..hendak tak nak...itulah masa depan kita. Lebih cepat kita menyedarinya adalah lebih baik untuk kita.

Sebab itu PAS FOR ALL memang relevant.....

'Khairy, don't dream of being PM'
Oct 15, 09 7:17am

'If you have called Anwar Ibrahim's bluff, why don't you tell the rakyat what exactly it was that he did to demonstrate his 'chameleon-ism'? Until this is done, I will stand by my future PM.'

The 'chameleon' will never reach Putrajaya

Ahmad Daniel Ahmad Zahari: Khairy Jamaluddin, I don't care what you and your wing are going do about Anwar, but I as a voter will make sure that you are not going to be the prime minister of Malaysia one day. Don't dream of it, Khairy.

Mike Selvamaithan Michael: Khairy, your statements are so ambiguous that it only discredits yourself. For example, I, too, can say that you are mob boss and a usurper of government funds.

I can carry on to say that you have dug into the government coffers to enrich yourself while Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was in office. But these are just unsubstantiated remarks and hearsay.

If you have called Anwar Ibrahim's bluff, why don't you tell the rakyat what exactly it was that he did to demonstrate his 'chameleon-ism'.

Khairy, didn't your parents tell you never to slander others without having indisputable evidence? But then, you come from a tradition of people who can rape the sanctity of the nation to plot the downfall of honest men.

Like every other truth-seeking Malaysian, I, too, humbly invite you to take on Anwar in person and prove to us that he is indeed a 'double-headed snake' not to be trusted and merely is there to serve his twisted desire to become PM one day.

Until this is done, I will stand by my future PM.

Thomas Foo: PKR is not about one man. PKR is about the principles and dream of one man who envisions to make Malaysia a better place for all Malaysians. This man is Anwar Ibrahim.

What is more dangerous? 1) Lifting the 'keris' and threatening other races, or 2) Reformasi?

Pakatan Rakyat will be in Putrajaya after the next general elections at the earliest. If not, after the GE following that.

Trigem: Damn, I have to give it to him on his skillful spinning of the truth. I can only see this accusation and allegation befitting him more than Anwar Ibrahim.

KJ, you still have to explain your various demonstrations against the minorities to champion the Malay rights. '1Malaysia' is a slogan, and it just stops there.

Many Malaysians are a lot smarter, mind you and they will not succumb to your lies. Think about it, if Umno did not lose so much in the last elections, do you think Umno will start to talk this way?

Even so, I don't think you guys will ever mean it. Just look at Petronas - any non-Malay contractors, suppliers, and gas station operators there yet? Is this the '1Malaysia' as you call it?

The day Umno dies will be the day Malaysians see freedom and prosperity. Only Anwar sees the way; Najib was just imitating.

Mangodurian: Excellent piece of 'divide and conquer' rhetoric. Just a bit of revelation on the following though: '... Barisan Nasional, which has developed the country to its current heights, or Pakatan Rakyat which continues to divide the people.

'Malaysia's development can hardly be described with 'heights'. In 1957, Malaya was the most developed territory in Southeast Asia. In 2009, we didn't even make it as one of the four economic tigers and our passports keep getting slapped with visa requirements.

Let BN be reminded that with all the resources Malaysia has, we still fell far behind a little cousin down south. I think we'd rather try a new leadership called Pakatan Rakyat than be stuck with BN. Calling Pakatan 'divisive' is as doublespeak as it can get.

ECMLip Service: The way he talks is like as if Umno owns the country. You and your party's arrogance needs to be stifled and only the voters have the right to determine who goes and sits at Putrajaya.

After you guys conned the folks at Kampung Buah Pala and used a corrupted guy Isa Samad to win the recent by-election, you start to show your party true colours. We can only hope the Indians do not get cheated into believing that Umno is for them and all Malaysians.

Brij Jayaram Kathiravelu: I can't help but to highlight the irony that when Khairy Jamaluddin's father-in-law was Umno president, many stories were circulating about KJ and the boys at a certain floor in the PM's Putrajaya complex. Arguably with 'powers' even surpassing certain ministers.

Now, after being elected Umno Youth head, KJ has yet to be appointed to a government position. Imagine, the frustration KJ goes through everyday and for a person who is thought to be very ambitious.

Stop talking about others and fight your own case, KJ. Failing which, you might go down in Umno history as the first and last Youth head to be without a government appointment.
